Who is NANCY


We equip women to be grounded in Jesus Christ while wrestling with the realities of this world.

Messages we receive in organized religion are often confusing. Sometimes messages we believe are from God can be confusing too. We believe that wrestling with the often uncomfortable intersection of faith, organized religion, and the realities of this world is essential to working out your salvation in this time. We provide theological truths and practical tools to help you do just that. If you are wrestling, for whatever reason, come join us on this journey.

Do you wrestle with conflicting voices in the church?

Do you know how to be a powerful woman of faith without sacrificing who you are?

The church is in radical decline in North America, but the surprising demographic that is leaving is women. We are calling for a return to candid, confident, courageous women! We help ground women in their faith and unleash their confidence in Christ. God wants powerful women to lead their lives, families, communities, and the church.


Nancy communicates in a candid, yet compassionate style that lifts up women and inspires them to take their place in God’s Kingdom as women who are known and loved.


Nancy Hicks is a global speaker and author of Meant to Live: Living in Light of the Good News. For decades she has been equipping and igniting Christian leaders across the globe to lead from a place of courage and humility. Nancy and her work have been featured in The Jesus Calling Podcast, Hallmark’s Home and Family, Trinity Broadcast Network, Relevant Magazine, Propel Women and more.

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We're not meant to do life alone. We need a supportive and honest community that sees and hears us. Please consider this an invitation to join us.

Browse Nancy's latest books, articles, and personal notes for encouragement and practical tips for living fully alive.

With candid and timely discussions, the So What? Why It Matters podcast explores various topics on faith, grief, communication, marriage, and more.